Monday, September 15, 2008


Bangles are all the rage these days in India. One must have a set to go with each sari she owns and plenty for each arm. Some are more precious gold, while others are plain glass. Bangles usually come in a set of 12 and range in sizes depending upon your age.

We were over at Mandip and Meeta’s flat the other day with Kristen to pick up some bangles Meeta had bought for Kristen (Meeta’s hometown is known for its’ glass bangles). Meeta also showed us the carrying case for her bangles and made us a delicious meal.


cp photography :: cassandra pence ostermeier said...

i'm not sure what to think of this post.

Joge said...

Those bangles are super cool! Love all the different colors.

How does that work wearing glass around your wrist, though? Sounds like a disaster waithing to happen if they broke.