The two Palaces on Lake Pichola
Our hotel... Baba Palace. Great location, great view, and a great name!
View from our room of Jadish Temple
more Jadish Temple
the carvings were so amazing!
Entrance to the City Palace
Gardens of the Palace
I pretended to take a photo of the tile work, but really I was stealing a shot of this HOT mustache
the Palace was so grand with hundreds of rooms, secret hallways and spectacular views
the doorways are a tad bit short
camel ride... note that the front seat is a LOT more comfortable! Especially for boys. The camel's hump was in a really inconvenient spot for Alex.
love the pictures! what a great weekend trip. can't wait to talk to you soon!
What a magnificent place! The stach totally rocks!! He...He...
Hi! My email is I wasn't sure if I should try to send it back when your posts came into my email, cause it says "no reply @ so and so....Can't wait to get an email from you!
Amazing!! We miss you...can't believe it's half over already.
try some icy-hot, alex. that should take care of any soreness.
What awesome pictures, so glad that you guys are experiencing all of this! So incredible!
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