Of course Alex & Addie. i am blessed to have them in my life.
the celebration of birthdays. a way of reflecting on the year.
warm, soothing coffee. my new daily addiction.
spontaneous dance breaks when Alex gets home and the giggles that flow from Addie.
Wednesday morning Encounter. so good to dig deep into the word.
my new zest for meal planning. so many food combinations to try.
community on our block that dates back 30+ years. we call them the Golden Gang.
stepping in to our heated home.
daily dose of blog posts on the Internet and the inspiration that follows.
a husband that keeps me laughing with his joking around.
Kleenex. a necessity for a one year old.
meeting Thursdays with life group. those ladies are real, thought provoking, and funny to chat with.
my Mom and the crafting bug she's given me.
never having to leave home to return a movie. Netflix.
holidays filled with Olson family traditions.
Starbucks luring me in with their holiday flavors. pumpkin spice latte is my favorite.
i know i shouldn't use them, but q-tips are hard to quit.
the continual refinement through relationships in my life.
deep connection and history i have with my sisters.
a holiday to reflect and remember. thanksgiving.
unemployment. love love love spending my days with Addie.
big or small, vacations are always great. can't wait for one this weekend.
very convenient to have a walking partner down the block with a kid the same age as my babe.
x. sorry i've got nothing.
the color mustard yellow. a fall favorite.
free zoo. a Madison mother's escape.